Company Profile and Expertise: Your Partner for Software Engineering, System Integration and E-Learning

Seid Maglajlic, PhD, runs inteconnective company registered in Vienna, Austria (UID: ATU63761129) and together with interconnective ag, offers consulting services for Project Management, Enterprise Architecture Management, Software Engineering and System Integration.
Software Engineering

We support you in the development of software solutions according to your requirements. We are provider-independent company, and therefore we focus on modular systems, easy to integrate, extend and configure.


UML (Unified Modeling Language) and agile software project management and development methods are our "territory". Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) is the method we apply for the companies that have their business processes in the focus. The usual problem by the middle-sized and huge organisations is the loosing of the thread between the business processes, business objects, information objects, technical implementation in the applications and the final datastore. This is where we help successfully. The problems we investigated and solved are actually very similar in all industry sectors we have been touching until now. Regardless if gaming or transportation industry - the need for the efficient Enterprise Architecture Management is the same.

System Integration

Efficient and stable interrelation of your systems is our aim. Through the many years of experience in system integration projects we know how to make your various applications work together efficiently.

We are leading a discussion forum on the topic Information systems in logistic (in German)
and a wiki on Software Integration (in German).

Gaming Industry

One of the industry sectors where interconnective is especially active is the gaming industry. Consulting, project management and Enterprise Architecture Management for companies that produce online gaming platforms, lottery systems and casino management systems belong to our service portfolio.

Transportation Industry: TAF/TAP-TSI and Railways

Detailed knowledge on TAF/TAP-TSI (Telematic Applications for Freight/Passenger - Technical Specification for Interoperability, provided by European Railway Agency) belong to the standard service portfolio of our consultancy.
Through the participation of Seid Maglajlic in TAF-TSI Deployment Team of UIC, TAF Change Control Management Working Parties of European Reailway Agency, Joint Sector Group as well as the leadership of TAF/TAP-TSI Telematic Expert Group TrainID and Support Management Office (SMO) for RailNetEurope, the experience and sophisticated know-how on implemetation of TAF/TAP-TSI has been built.
We are ready to share our knowledge within the railway industry sector and steer your TAF/TAP-TSI implementation projects as senior advisors.


Dr. techn. Seid Maglajlic
+43 664 913 3926
Dr. techn. Seid Maglajlic, UID: ATU63761129, Karmeliterplatz 5/17, A-1020, Vienna, Austria, EU, sma(at)