TMS - Transport Management System

Optimized for Small And Middle-sized Railway Undertaking

TMS is a Web application for sizing and modelling of the transport on rails, train preparation according to the transport, train planning, contract management, resource management, path management, reporting and a lot more...
Contact us, and you will get an access to the online-demo of TMS. If you need a more detailed explanation of the product, we will come directly to your office and make a presentation of the product for you!

OBCT - Online Business Connection Tool

Dedicated to Organizations That Support Global Business Networking

The On-Line Business Connection Tool (OBCT) has originally been developed under the title "Online Marktplatz" as a module of a content-management system of Austrian Chamber of Commerce, department for foreign trade (today's "Advantage Austria"). The full content management system was developed by the Austrian company Gentics Software GmbH. Gentics Software used Online Marktplatz (today's On-Line Business Connection Tool) as an add-on to the full solution implemented for Austrian Chamber of Commerce, within the platform
The OBCT has been productively used and updated in the framework Gentics Software solution for the Advantage Austria from 2007 to 2014.
The OBCT can be integrated into any contemporary Content Management System due to its standardized interface.

The OBCT is today a customizable and expandable platform for providing the means of initial communication and collaboration between companies with international ambitions.
This tool helps organizations such as Chamber of Commerce that support the companies to become members of global industrial social network.
Contact us to find out more details...


Dr. techn. Seid Maglajlic
+43 664 913 3926

Dr. techn. Seid Maglajlic, UID: ATU63761129, Karmeliterplatz 5/17, A-1020 Vienna, Austria, EU, sma(at)