Consulting Services
Project Management

Seid Maglajlic offers the services as senior advisor for leading, steering, monitoring and quality assurance of complex software projects as well as the evaluation of the various solutions (e.g. in an RFx process) in the international industrial environment, especially in railway, logistics and gaming business sectors.
If your company intents to implement a new software system or to buy a customizable product for your business case, we will advise you how to implement the project in the efficient way, on-time, on-budget.
Gap analysis of between your requirements and the offered solution of your providers, as well as the recommendation how to make the best match between these two are our specialty. "Sanity check" of the offers, project size, plan, timeline, capacity allocation - this is where we help you.

Software Engineering & UML

System analysis, design, software engineering and reengineering by using UML (Unified Modeling Language) belong to our service spectrum.

Enterprise System Integration and Enterprise Architecture Management

Integration of the legacy and new systems you want to deploy require intensive analysis. We support you to make a roadmap of system integration by applying standard integration patterns we learned in numerous integration projects we were involved in. We let the experience talk...

Knowledge Management

Don't let the coroporate knowledge sink! Start thinking about it right now if you want to increase your corporate efficiency!
We can advise you how to centralize and distribute the knowledge within your organization. Furthermore, we can provide you with the modern E-Learning concepts and systems to improve the skills of your employees.

Supporting TAF/TAP-TSI Implementation

TAF/TAP-TSI has a major impact to the railway business in Europe. The messaging in a standardized way between the partners in the railway business has always been desired, however, due to the business case complexity in railways, the achieving of this aim is not simple at all.
Seid Maglajlic and his partners from interconnective ag have participated in the conceptualization of the TAF/TAP-TSI implementation of the railway sector through the leadership of working groups and active participation to the working parties organized by European Railway Agency. Therefore, we offer the steering of your planning and implenentation of TAF/TAP-TSI as independent senior advisors who can warn you about eventual gaps, and can coach you towards the sucessfull implementation of TAF/TAP-TSI.

Dr. techn. Seid Maglajlic
+43 664 913 3926
Dr. techn. Seid Maglajlic, UID: ATU63761129, Karmeliterplatz 5/17, A-1020 Vienna, Austria, EU, sma(at)